Monday, February 21, 2011

From the Mind of Sarah

Heyyyy Everyone!!
Okay soo....This is just a little info about me to kick off this grand blog adventure.
Uhm....I more than likely will try to import all the blogs from my old webpage in the next couple of days and for now, this post is just a test run to see what it's gonna look like.
But this blog is basically life according to meee!
Like I said, this is just a little info about me.
Uhm..I have Facebook
I spend too much time texting
I'm a full-time student studying Christian Education
I'm a total smart ass. Bahaha!
Uhmm...I'm very quiet about my writing...The fact that this blog is gonna be posted to the internet totally contradicts what I just said but anyway...hahaha
In Sarah-logic, it makes perfect sense.
I'm pretty easy to get along with.
I don't like my creativity being restrained. I defintiely cannot stand someone telling me that I HAVE to write about my faith and all that God is doing in my life when it's basically my blog to begin with. That may have come out sharper than I intended to make it, but what can I say?
Anyway, I have an obsession with all things pink.
Dr. Pepper and tea are my beverages of choice (Not together, of course)
But yeah, that's pretty much it for now.
Later, peeps!!